Return and change
Online shopping
offline shopping
Скидочные товары
When making purchases through our online store, our customers can exchange the item immediately after trying it on. We strive to ensure your complete satisfaction with the purchased items, which is why we provide this service for your comfort and confidence.
We guarantee the option to return or exchange the item on the same day, provided that it maintains its original condition, including all tags and labels. Before shipment, we provide a video report on the condition of the item to ensure its flawless state.
You can reach out to our managers in a way convenient for you. We are available via Telegram, WhatsApp, and Instagram.
Kindly be aware that items purchased at a discounted price are subject to a strict no-return or exchange policy. We recommend carefully selecting items before purchase and asking any questions that may arise to ensure your complete satisfaction with the purchase.
To Our Clients
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